
I have to write about a beautiful woman named Cynthia who has been on my mind. This woman,  is truly a testament to Gods work and love. She is a living miracle. Even though she has her own battles she has dedicated months of her life to serving others through the ACTS ministry. She is amazing and will always be an inspiration.

 It truly has been a blessing to work with her and to just watch her in amazement and awe. She has done incredible things and been a beautiful leader, the many lives she has touched is indescribable. She has touched so many hearts, to try counting would be in vain. 

Thank you Cynthia for being a woman of faith, for putting all that you are… mind, heart, body and soul into serving our Lord Jesus. For being a beautiful example of hope, faith and endurance amidst trials. There is no one like you! You are amazing and know you are so loved. You are beautiful!

Heart Prints

Have you ever wondered if you matter? If your presence really makes a difference…if you have ever doubted the impact you can effect in the world, know your choices, your work, can help others in unimaginable ways. 

This past weekend I was able to serve for the fourth time in a beautiful ministry… An Acts retreat. The weekend was filled with peace, joy and renewed hope. I personally received many confirmations or signal graces. 

By my saying Yes, to this retreat I realized more than ever the lasting impact from that yes to service. How the gifts each of us brings…a part of us and our actions has a ripple effect that touches minds, hearts and souls in ways you can never comprehend. Only God knows…

I was able to gain a new perspective and given new insight on the power of saying Yes, when God calls on you to serve, to be an instrument of his love.

You see whenever you say yes, to God and serve him with Love and try to do his work, when you persevere to serve even through trials. You leave a Heart Print through your work and contributions that has a ripple or butterfly effect that flows out into time and touches minds and hearts, not just for a weekend but further into the future in ways never imagined. 

After several months of preparation with many beautiful women for this weekend I was able to witness work I did through this particular ministry in 2013 have significance even this past weekend…three years later, I was able to see my work still have an impact. I was given the gift to see my Heart Print from the past.  

I was able to share with a beautiful young woman I was serving with how without her yes, this retreat would have been slightly different, still beautiful…yes, but the unique characteristics that each one of us brought by saying YES created this beautiful combination of gifts, talents and love that was expressed as beautifully and diversely as an exquisite symphonic song.

It’s amazing what God can do with your YES! It’s beyond our comprehension the blessings that flow from being willing to serve and I understand more than ever if any one person would have said no to helping work on this retreat it would have been totally different, each person left their Heart print in some way on all those involved. What a beautiful thing it is to truly love and serve unselfishly, The way God intended. 

Some basics about Communication 

“When you value a relationship an important question to ask yourself is, What is your need in this relationship? It is important to understand each other’s needs and give feedback. 

Unfortunately withholding feelings or not knowing how to disclose in a constructive way causes people to be totally unaware of our reactions to their behaviors.

Many relationships that could be productive and enjoyable gradually detiorate under the accumulated load of tiny annoyances and hurt feelings and misunderstandings that were never talked about openly.”

I wish I could take credit for all that you have read so far in this particular blog but I am not the author. The beginning of this blog up to this point has been taken out of my recent business communications text book. The sentences were taken from a chapter here, a paragraph there as I jotted them down. Pondering on each sentence as they struck me. One by one.. Many of the key points in this book  hit home with me…so much so that I read 21 chapters in a span of three days and finished the 8 week course in about a week.

What this book helped me sort out in my own mind and helped me clearly define and identify were the following points:

1.) If there is not consistency in communication or openness, for example Inconsistency, especially between words & actions decreases trust.

2.)Through this course I was able to clearly articulate what I do want…(which is a good thing! How many of us don’t even know what we want in relationships) I want to feel connected, important and valued. I believe these are fair requests in any friendship or relationship, and reflects the importance of communication. 

3.) Do you trust? People make themselves vulnerable when they trust…and is important to communication.

“If you don’t know what your objectives are in a relationship, it is difficult to know what your problems are, let alone what to do about them. Are your needs being met by the current situation? Does the nature of the actual relationship match the desired one?”

These are powerful points to reflect on and all from a business communications textbook! Thus I wanted to share as you can see you can apply the concepts both professionally and personally. 

Powerful stuff, then I came across this mini blog today that I started but never finished back in August as I scrolled through my NOTES app. I had written the following thoughts of mine back on 8/11/16:
What breaks hearts? Think about it, its relationships….what is a relationship. As simply put its communication between two people. But how hard it can be to always keep that channel open. That’s why relationships take work. It’s an equal effort by both parties involved to understand one another, respect the others perspective while still sharing their thoughts and feelings.

Fast forward to today, November 4th….I thought it would be fitting for me to share and reflect the thoughts of my heart back in August and contrast with some important points and perspectives that I recently read in my school work. Hopefully it may give you some perspective or at least get you thinking about your communication style. Your relationships and more importantly help you have a better understanding of what you want. 

Amazing how simple yet complex communication can be…good or bad. Simple when you trust, easy to share when care, powerful when you express what’s on your mind, and all possible with a brave spirit…

God is so Good!

I am amazed and in awe of God’s timing. He is truly The God of Surprises! 

As I prepare with my beautiful team to serve those he willed to be among us next weekend at the St. Stephens Acts retreat. I am being given reminders and great signal graces that he is always in control! In some of the final preparations he has surprised me and I’ve been blessed with great joy! I am so thankful for the priests that said yes to helping us and joining us in this sacred time. I am grateful to these holy men who tirelessly serve our Lord and his people. 

It’s a reminder to me when I see these men who serve God so unselfishly, who give their entire lives with all their heart to be a shepherd to Christ’s flock that I must follow their example and always serve my brothers and sisters in Christ. And to do so with great Love! 

I am thankful for the gift of service …which forever changes one’s heart from the isolation of self centeredness and is a catalyst for growth in Love, to Love as Christ Loves…

I once heard a quote by Saint Teresa of Calcutta which rings true when I contemplate on so many who have been examples of Love and Holy Servants in their lives. 

“The fruit of Silence is prayer. The fruit of Prayer is faith. The fruit of Faith is love. The fruit of Love is service. The fruit of Service is peace.”

May you always seek time for silence in this world, and allow prayer to transform you…

May your faith know no limits and abound with great hope always…

May your Love always serve those in your life with no expectation, no   limitations and know unconditional Love is always a choice not a feeling…

May peace be with your mind, heart and soul always…that is my prayer for you. 

Go be Love and light to this world and shine for Christ!

Here’s My Heart…

I love the song : Here’s my Heart by I Am They, I’ve always thought their version is the best and this song speaks to my heart on so many different levels.

I want to hear the truth and have an open heart for the Will of God in my life. Although at times, too often it seems as I make decisions, I ask myself is this “My will”?

 This song hits home for me because I do long for the Lord to speak what is true… to my mind, heart and soul. 

Here’s my heart Lord, it is yours,  you created it and I know that your Love is true. Help me find the path you desire for me. 

May you always know what is true…I pray that you have that blessing.

If you haven’t heard this song yet I have provided a link so that you may.

Click here on the blue text to watch the video to this beautiful song…Here’s My Heart By I AM THEY

“You are hope, you are grace, YOU are all I have…”


On my way to the cemetery I reflect on the beauty of the words spoken by Fr. Chavez today and how he defined the purpose of life quite simply…

 “Worship God and do good to others”. 

Another dear soul once told me: “There is nothing greater in life than Love and Union with God”

Let us give Love…

Loss, Love and What You Leave Behind…

I am preparing to go to a funeral today. I have had five people that have been in my life pass away in less than a year and a half. I ponder on the Loss of many loved ones. I can’t help but want to cherish each day as I have had so many losses and such pain makes one look at life differently.

It is these frequent reminders of how fragile life is that makes me question what is truly important about today. I have had this deep longing within my heart to Cherish those in my life. I pray that they feel my love, as that is all we leave behind that is worthwhile.

When you lose someone, it is the memories you created with that person…those little joy’s and moments of laughter that will never be forgotten. It is the TIME, that you shared with that soul that is priceless. It is Love that will endure and give you hope to see your loved one again in the life to come.

We tend to forget our mortality, often I have been guilty of this. We get so consumed in this world by all that has to be done, it’s work, it’s demands but whenever we lose someone dear to us it is a reminder that everything is passing, changing and has made me question my purpose in this life?

What are you living for? Is it just to have financial security or the endless pursuit of success? These are all good and desirable things, yet I feel we too often neglect the most important aspects of being a human being. The ability to slow down and soak in the beautiful gifts of life, your family, your passions, your dreams. All are gifts from God. I pray that you invest your time to enjoy these gifts and make beautiful memories with those you love before they are gone.

What do you truly desire out of this life? Besides going through the daily motions, I want to focus on giving, being compassionate, listening well and inspiring others. I pray that whatever you choose to build upon in this life, whether it be the dreams from your youth, making more time for your family, visiting friends, volunteering, or building a business, that is the beauty of God’s gift of free will. He always gives us the choice, so many choices and it’s up to you.

Whatever you choose, remember your loved ones…they will have what you chose after your gone. What will you leave behind? I pray you choose well.


What is courage? Miriam-Webster defines Courage as: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.

How often do we all have fears, doubts and difficulties either in our mind or heart? 

Over the last two months this word has popped up over and over in various ways to me through readings, through conversation, even through radio! I have sensed God is trying to tell me something.

I know we are not guaranteed another day in this life. We only have today. Although, it’s only natural to hope for a blessed future, one where all your needs are met and the relationships dear to you are healthy and strong. 

I believe courage in its truest sense means to face each day with no expectation, in a certain sense it means to trust what God has in store for you…even when our human nature wants to know everything is figured out and your plans are in place. I learned along time ago never to expect in this life…in relationships, in your career, never imagine the future because it will rarely turn out as you’ve pictured. It takes courage to embrace the reality of uncertainty in all things. This life fades away so quickly…and so do many relationships. I know that from the courage in my heart I can face the unknowns of tomorrow and trust that God’s will is guiding my life as that is what I am constantly seeking…

Whatever is on your mind or heart, I pray you always have courage and know you can face any challenge, obstacle or anxiety with the help of our God. He is the source and foundation of courage and all good things in this life.


I am thinking of all the beautiful women in this world that are mothers. How they have been part of the miracle and gift from God that life is. They are the instrument in bringing life into this world. How special is the gift of motherhood. How wonderful it is that there are women who also love children that they didn’t give birth to but love just as dearly as their own. That’s one of the most beautiful things about Love. Love knows no limitations. Motherhood is love.

I speak from the perspective of feeling the abundant love from the adopted mother God has placed in my life. It is a beautiful thing to know and feel a mother’s love.

I have always tried to comprehend what a mothers love would feel like as she watches her child grow. I imagine the joy and wonder in the smallest of moments, in the first word, first step and the beauty of everyday moments…as I am not a mother, I can only imagine. I have witnessed many moments where I see a mother interacting with her child and it touches my heart. As I observe, I look with wonder and awe at this beautiful bond that exists between two souls. I have asked friends of mine to describe their love for their child. The most recent response I got was : “It is pure love…the purest love you can imagine.” My mind has often wandered in contemplation for those women that have always longed for a child but for whatever reason or circumstance their lives didn’t get to experience that beautiful gift.

All I know, is that that all women are called to love. It is something innate within the fabric of our beings and it is what fulfills. To all the beautiful women in this world, the mothers in all ways, in distance, in prayer, in their unending love to those they call their children and to those who never were blessed with the gift of motherhood you are in my prayers and are a beautiful gift of love to so many in uncountable ways..your love is infinite and for that I thank you.


Have you ever asked someone you know to pray for you? Maybe it is someone who you know from church, maybe you have asked a close friend or family member to pray for you to do well on a job interview. When you ask someone to pray for you or even when you submit a prayer request to your faith community there is trust. Trust that your prayer request will be lifted with faith in prayer and hope in God’s will that your petition may be answered. There is great power in prayer.

This trust is why we catholics call upon in faith the intercession of Saints, those who have gone before us and now enjoy eternal life in heaven. A common misconception is we Catholics pray to dead people. How far from the truth that is, but in reality we don’t see death as an end. We believe that our brothers and sisters in Christ are cheering us on praying for those of us on this side of the journey, as we walk on this earthly life. So just as you may ask your friend to pray for you in faith at times as an intercessor on your behalf to God, we call upon saints to do the exact same thing with the exact same faith and trust whether that soul is on earth petitioning for my cause or in heaven and trust that our good and gracious God will hear all prayers.

St. Therese of Lisieux, has been one of my favorite saints since childhood. I was drawn to her by her beauty and the images of her holding a bouquet of roses. How I have always loved roses! She was a beautiful example of a soul who truly trusted in God. After recently reading a beautiful book titled: The way of TRUST and LOVE by Jacques Philippe, I learned more about this beautiful saint! I was surprised to discover that she had a great love for St. John of the Cross. “She found nourishment in the writings of the great Carmelite Saint. Although the two of them seem very different from one another.” There was a great similarity between the two in certain aspects. “St. John says we can obtain everything from God if only we knew how to take hold of him by love. We must approach him in the right attitude-love-expressed mainly in humility and trust.”

To love and trust completely, takes great strength and faith. It is all part of the struggle of being human, my hope is that you never doubt God’s Love for you. To have no limitations to your trust in God is the path to a more intimate relationship with him. St. Therese loved this quotation from St. John of the Cross: “One obtains from God as much as he hopes for.” Why is it so hard for us to trust then? It is because we live in a damaged world with wounded people and fears, doubts and worry so easily creep into our hearts and minds no matter how unwarranted they may seem at times. Remember anything that makes you doubt God’s love is not of God.

“It is trust and nothing but trust that must lead us to Love.” In one of St. Therese’s letters she writes: “What offends Jesus, what wounds his heart, is lack of trust. God does not first expect of us that we be absolutely perfect (that will come little by little) but that we give him our trust-trust that has to be total.”

Trust that where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, and reflect on his love…As we become the image we reflect. Be an instrument of his love to those in your life. Let Jesus love you and know he will lead you to all the solutions to the troubles of your heart and the struggles in this life.