Last Words…

The constant loss I have experienced over the last two years has been very sobering. I have longed for the reprieve from loss in this life, its sting and the heartache that seems to linger. The funeral count for those dear in my life is nearing ten in number in just over two years.

Our family is blessed to have a good and holy Priest, my cousin, Fr. Paul. He has been a blessing to our family as a spiritual leader who personally travels back home to celebrate the funeral rites for each family member as we have slowly endured the loss of a generation over the years. Today, he spoke of heartfelt memories for my family’s beloved Tio Hector. He spoke of Love and how it is freely given and freely accepted.  Fr. Paul spoke from his own personal witness of the importance of love and how love doesn’t end not even in death, for we carry that love in our hearts. With a resounding firmness, hope and piercing clarity he stated, LOVE CONQUERS ALL. Love doesn’t die, it endures even amidst pain and loss.  He reflected on how our family has always shown one another great love in simple gestures and how our family always knew that there was great Love amongst one another. Our Tio Hector showed that love to all of us.

As I sat in the pew of Santa Rosa church, mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted my heart longed to hear his words. Because he spoke Truth and ultimately that is what our hearts search for in this life.  I felt many memories rush back as that church has been the sanctuary of so many funerals from years past, of loved ones who have gone before me, precious aunts, dear uncles…my beloved “Ama”.

Fr. Paul  shared his father’s last words to him, his own father’s last instructions to him before leaving this earth. He told him, “Take care of each other”, “Love one another”, “Help one another” and thus that was the ringing message in all our hearts. We are family and we will always be united by Love.  We must cherish each other, help each other but most of all LOVE one another.

My Tio Hector, left behind great love in his beautiful wife, children, grandchildren, sisters and little brother who miss him greatly. My heart prays especially with great fervor, for his children and grandchildren as they have endured this loss for a painfully long time and I ask you to say a prayer for them too.

In this life, family is all we have, some become family by birth and others we adopt along the way and the question I ask you, is this:

What can you do? What can you do to help your family? Whatever comes to your mind, I encourage you to do all things with great love for one another. Remember to always, “Take care of each other”, “Love one another”, and “Help one another”…


All of Me



The song by John Legend, All of Me, just came on Pandora. As its sweet and gentle melody fills the air around me, I’m taken back to a memory of my dear friend Cynthia.

I can’t believe she is no longer on this earth…, are the thoughts that come into my mind as the song plays. As the music continues, I go back in time to a memory from 2013. She and I were in an ACTS meeting. She had asked me if I had heard the very song I am listening to in this moment. At that point in time, I had never heard the song. I told her no, she immediately responded, “You have to hear it!”She said, “it’s so beautiful” and started to look it up on You Tube. As we were sitting together, side by side, Cynthia expresses to me with great joy and excitement how much she LOVES this song! 

She found the song’s video on her phone and as it begins playing, she  tells me that any man in my life should sing this song to me. I instantly thought what she said was a sweet sentiment but could hardly imagine this song being dedicated to me. I just softly smiled in reply to her statement. I continued to listen to this beautiful new song and we enjoyed the moment. There were so many moments like that with Cynthia. She always saw the best of you, even when you couldn’t see it yourself.
She fought a brave and fierce battle against cancer. She was an inspiration to all those around her.

She is missed dearly and always will be. Cynthia’s friendship has been a great comfort to me. During the last year of her life she showed me great love and concern for how I was holding up in this life.  Our friendship grew during this time in ways I could have never imagined.  She made me feel like I was never forgotten at a time in my life when I felt very isolated from the world.

God has a plan for your life. The beautiful and rare souls he places on your path, are blessings in your life that you must cherish. I thank God for Cynthia. God has already planned who he wills to be a part of your story. It’s amazing to ponder, God already knows every detail of your life and who he’s planned to be part of it from the moment you came into this world. May you appreciate those dear souls in your life that could never be replaced and cherish the memories after their gone. In this life, all we leave behind is love and the memories we made along The Way.



I thank you for your love and for always seeing the best in me, even when I couldn’t see it myself. We will see each other again.

