
On my way to the cemetery I reflect on the beauty of the words spoken by Fr. Chavez today and how he defined the purpose of life quite simply…

 “Worship God and do good to others”. 

Another dear soul once told me: “There is nothing greater in life than Love and Union with God”

Let us give Love…

Loss, Love and What You Leave Behind…

I am preparing to go to a funeral today. I have had five people that have been in my life pass away in less than a year and a half. I ponder on the Loss of many loved ones. I can’t help but want to cherish each day as I have had so many losses and such pain makes one look at life differently.

It is these frequent reminders of how fragile life is that makes me question what is truly important about today. I have had this deep longing within my heart to Cherish those in my life. I pray that they feel my love, as that is all we leave behind that is worthwhile.

When you lose someone, it is the memories you created with that person…those little joy’s and moments of laughter that will never be forgotten. It is the TIME, that you shared with that soul that is priceless. It is Love that will endure and give you hope to see your loved one again in the life to come.

We tend to forget our mortality, often I have been guilty of this. We get so consumed in this world by all that has to be done, it’s work, it’s demands but whenever we lose someone dear to us it is a reminder that everything is passing, changing and has made me question my purpose in this life?

What are you living for? Is it just to have financial security or the endless pursuit of success? These are all good and desirable things, yet I feel we too often neglect the most important aspects of being a human being. The ability to slow down and soak in the beautiful gifts of life, your family, your passions, your dreams. All are gifts from God. I pray that you invest your time to enjoy these gifts and make beautiful memories with those you love before they are gone.

What do you truly desire out of this life? Besides going through the daily motions, I want to focus on giving, being compassionate, listening well and inspiring others. I pray that whatever you choose to build upon in this life, whether it be the dreams from your youth, making more time for your family, visiting friends, volunteering, or building a business, that is the beauty of God’s gift of free will. He always gives us the choice, so many choices and it’s up to you.

Whatever you choose, remember your loved ones…they will have what you chose after your gone. What will you leave behind? I pray you choose well.


What is courage? Miriam-Webster defines Courage as: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.

How often do we all have fears, doubts and difficulties either in our mind or heart? 

Over the last two months this word has popped up over and over in various ways to me through readings, through conversation, even through radio! I have sensed God is trying to tell me something.

I know we are not guaranteed another day in this life. We only have today. Although, it’s only natural to hope for a blessed future, one where all your needs are met and the relationships dear to you are healthy and strong. 

I believe courage in its truest sense means to face each day with no expectation, in a certain sense it means to trust what God has in store for you…even when our human nature wants to know everything is figured out and your plans are in place. I learned along time ago never to expect in this life…in relationships, in your career, never imagine the future because it will rarely turn out as you’ve pictured. It takes courage to embrace the reality of uncertainty in all things. This life fades away so quickly…and so do many relationships. I know that from the courage in my heart I can face the unknowns of tomorrow and trust that God’s will is guiding my life as that is what I am constantly seeking…

Whatever is on your mind or heart, I pray you always have courage and know you can face any challenge, obstacle or anxiety with the help of our God. He is the source and foundation of courage and all good things in this life.