In this life we will face hills and valleys. This is the inevitable truth in life and another reason to have a personal relationship with God. It is essential that each of us build a foundation of faith and deep roots in our prayer life for all the seasons of our life. As the trials in life, almost always unexpectedly come.
When we take the time to become rooted in God during the good times in our lives, the seasons with no adversity, the seasons of blessing and prosperity.We can be better prepared to weather the storms with peace, fortitude and hope.
I know in my life, I can say through it all, the many hills and valleys it has been God who has carried me. Gods mercy and love places those we need on our paths.
There have been Pastors who guided me with compassion when I needed them most. I believe I write about God, faith and love so much because these subjects touch all lives. I am passionate about God because I love him. Without God we are nothing, he doesn’t need us but yet yearns for our love, it is amazing to ponder on how the creator of the universe longs for our Love!
I hope and pray that I will be given signal graces to know which vocation he is calling me to. All vocations should be rooted in love. God is love. I want to do his will and often times my focus gets distracted with the world, in career goals, educational pursuits and the necessary steps to make a better life. All I desire is a peaceful, quite and simple life. A life of prayer and detachment from the world.A life where God and love is first.
I have witnessed many in the vocation of marriage and the testimony their lives reveal. I have the utmost respect for marriages that are open to life. The marriages that have been fruitful are blessed greatly by God.
Once a pastor told me a marriage not open to life is not a lasting marriage. I have always remembered his words. There are so many beautiful gifts with each vocation and for the vocation of marriage a new life is the greatest.
If you are facing struggles and trials in your life right now or maybe just anxiety about your next step in life, I encourage you to have hope and pray. When you reflect on the longings of your heart, your dreams, ponder on how you feel after. Do you feel peace? If not consider whether you are pursuing your will rather than God’s will and keep praying.
Wherever you are in life, I encourage you to pray always, in all seasons and for all those on your path. You never know what battles someone may be facing and how much they need your prayer. Your prayers could be the catalyst for grace in someones life.
One of my favorite prayers is simply this: “For all those who pray for me”. I usually offer this intention with all my other special intentions when I begin a rosary each day.
I honestly don’t why I didn’t start saying this prayer sooner. I believe it is important to pray for those you know but we should also pray for those in this world who have no one to pray for them. Imagine all the people that may be praying for you in this moment and you don’t know how God has worked in your life because of such prayers. There are selfless souls out there who pray for so many. This is what amazes me about prayer.
Prayer is so powerful and there are no limits to our petitions in asking for good to be bestowed on our brothers and sisters in Christ.
I believe one of the most powerful prayers, is simply praying for those who have hurt you as it changes your heart and helps you to love as Jesus loves.
What is your favorite prayer? Have you thought about who may be praying for you or do you know someone who needs prayer?
I am praying for everyone who reads my blog and I ask for your prayers.
Thank you!