
It amazes me how many people in our world are afraid to give. There are so many ways an individual may be able to give. 

I believe you will be blessed abundantly if you give of yourself, whether that be your time or your talents. In some way, shape or form there is always an opportunity to give.

I was recently asked to help sponsor a missionary in her mission to evangelize the youth. At times I have had family members tell me you shouldn’t give to that cause for this reason or that…but I always respond no one was ever left distraught by giving. On the contrary, the more you give, the more you receive. As cliche as that may sound it’s true! You are blessed to help others, so do so! Be a blessing give what you can, and always give from your heart. There is no other way. God sees all things and he will bless you with many surprises! We have a God that has been so generous to each one of us, if you think about your blessings instead of the obstacles you may be facing in life, it’s easy to see we should be generous and lift others up. 

Yet, I see in the hearts of man a type of poverty in this area especially when it comes to giving without a motive or agendas. Let’s give with sincerity. 

I pray you are blessed to know the unique and deep blessing it is to give to others, especially those in most need. And if you ever come across a truly beautiful and unique soul I hope you aren’t afraid to give the greatest gift… The gift of your heart and your friendship. Who inspires you to give? 

One thought on “Give”

  1. On the contrary, the more you give, the more you receive. …….. i have experienced this personally! πŸ™‚ love it! love YOU!

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