Heart Prints

Have you ever wondered if you matter? If your presence really makes a difference…if you have ever doubted the impact you can effect in the world, know your choices, your work, can help others in unimaginable ways. 

This past weekend I was able to serve for the fourth time in a beautiful ministry… An Acts retreat. The weekend was filled with peace, joy and renewed hope. I personally received many confirmations or signal graces. 

By my saying Yes, to this retreat I realized more than ever the lasting impact from that yes to service. How the gifts each of us brings…a part of us and our actions has a ripple effect that touches minds, hearts and souls in ways you can never comprehend. Only God knows…

I was able to gain a new perspective and given new insight on the power of saying Yes, when God calls on you to serve, to be an instrument of his love.

You see whenever you say yes, to God and serve him with Love and try to do his work, when you persevere to serve even through trials. You leave a Heart Print through your work and contributions that has a ripple or butterfly effect that flows out into time and touches minds and hearts, not just for a weekend but further into the future in ways never imagined. 

After several months of preparation with many beautiful women for this weekend I was able to witness work I did through this particular ministry in 2013 have significance even this past weekend…three years later, I was able to see my work still have an impact. I was given the gift to see my Heart Print from the past.  

I was able to share with a beautiful young woman I was serving with how without her yes, this retreat would have been slightly different, still beautiful…yes, but the unique characteristics that each one of us brought by saying YES created this beautiful combination of gifts, talents and love that was expressed as beautifully and diversely as an exquisite symphonic song.

It’s amazing what God can do with your YES! It’s beyond our comprehension the blessings that flow from being willing to serve and I understand more than ever if any one person would have said no to helping work on this retreat it would have been totally different, each person left their Heart print in some way on all those involved. What a beautiful thing it is to truly love and serve unselfishly, The way God intended. 

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