Why do any of us truly feel. The fact that we have emotion and rationalization is what separates us from the animals. Through our feelings we are often able to gauge situations…to rely on our gut instinct! As I like to refer to it, but I’ve come to be more aware of how feelings can also fail you. Feelings are fleeting at times and many are fickle with their feelings whether they realize it or not. Using feeling alone to decide anything can be at times the problem. You see feelings come and go and if we use them as the sole source to guide our lives then we will never be satisfied. There are so many beautiful examples when not relying on “feeling” is actually the more intelligent, wise choice and loving choice. One example that is often referred to is the fact that Love is a choice. Christ ultimately proved that to us, especially in the garden of Gethsame. He didn’t feel like going through all he knew was ahead of him but thank God that he didn’t rely on feelings even after asking God the father to let this cup pass him. Instead Jesus, CHOSE, he chose to suffer out of his love and obedience to the father. This great love from Jesus for you and I is more than a feeling, it’s a choice. I’ve come to realize more than ever before, feelings are good but the true test of Love is defined by that which endures, perseveres even when feelings wane.