Today is Thanksgiving. What a beautiful holiday that gives each of us a moment to take pause. To reflect on our blessings, to appreciate those we love and recognize the gift that they are in our lives.
To be thankful for the trials and struggles in life as well. For they add character and help make us who we are. It is through trials that we learn and how most of us grow. We grow in our faith, in our endurance and in our resilience. Today, I hope you have time to ponder on all the gifts in your life both large and small. The fact that you woke up today is a gift! You have another day on this earth to be a blessing to others. You have today to show your love. Today I challenge you to express your thankfulness and demonstrate it by a small act of kindness or gesture of Love to those dearest to you in this life. You see, you may really appreciate your loved ones and those that you are thankful for but how will they know if you don’t take the TIME to express it. Maybe you have been so busy with work and the things this life can throw at you that it is only today that you can slow down and show your love to others. Today is a day to appreciate, to LOVE, to cherish, to relax, to enjoy and to spend TIME with those you love the most in this life.
I am thankful for Love, the LOVE of my God which fills my heart so completely. The love of my dearest friends who are my beautiful sisters in Christ, the love of my family, my parents and brother, the love of my dear spiritual companion and adopted mother Madolyn.
For all these beautiful relationships I am thankful, they are genuine, they are beautiful, they are real. I thank God for time, which is the ultimate expression of Love, it is time that expresses love truly. A song comes to mind when thinking of Love and the value Time relates to love. The song is called “Time is Love” by Josh Turner, I recently heard this song for the first time. I focused on the lyrics, as its truth was so sweet to me. I couldn’t put it more simply and truthfully. I will share a few of the lyrics with you now:
“I know I gotta put in the hours,
Make the money while the sunlight shines
But anything I gotta get done,
It can get done some other time
Time is love, gotta run,
Love to hang longer,
But I got someone who waits,
Waits for me and right now
She’s where I need to be,
Time is love, gotta run
I only get so many minutes,
Don’t wanna spend ’em all on the clock…”
Time is love, time is a gift, a precious gift that is fluid and passes by so quickly. May you be blessed with time with your loved ones today. May you create many beautiful memories today and be blessed abundantly. May you always be thankful for all the gifts and blessings in your life! Know you are loved and that LOVE is the most beautiful and ENDURING gift. You are in my prayers always…
Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless you always.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the contents of your heart. Your post makes me think of how recent days including getting to reconnect with you remind me of the importance of approaching the people I meet without selfish expectation, knowing that God’s wisdom often brings people back into our lives for a different time and a different reason. Learning to appreciate people for who they are and trust God with the details of the future has become a guiding lesson in my life.
Wishing you immense blessing, deep peace and Godly wisdom this Thanksgiving and onward. Thank you for your friendship!
Josh, what a beautiful comment! Thanks for taking the time to read today’s blog! It’s a pleasure to help you, help others in any way I can. May God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving day and always!
Amanda, thank you for your words of wisdom that the Lord has clearly blessed you with. I will surely take time out to express my love for others that I forget to do throughout MY daily affairs. In this moment I’m so much more thankful for others, and more importantly my past. These trials are truly what makes us and Praise be the Lord for them. Again, I thank you for your God gifted friendship and may the Lord continue to work through you. God bless you, Shalom, and God love you!
God love you as well Jesse! Grateful to have you as my brother in Christ! Your in my prayers! And thank you for your kind words, testimony and prayers! Prayer is the greatest gift we can give!!!???