A Passionate Life

We all have this one life given to us. There are no “do-overs”, and we all have to make a living. It’s just part of life, we all have bills and responsibilities and many refer to their work as “The daily grind.”

When I think of this reality I can’t help but think why does it have to be a “grind”, which usually carries with it the connotation of crushing  monotony.

Deep down I realize most of us desire to live a passionate life. At least I do. A life, where even my work, the work that helps sustain me and helps to provide food not only for my body but also for my heart and soul through its fruits. I acknowledge that some work is better suited for others. This is the beauty of the variety of unique talents and skills we are each graced with. If we could fearlessly develop and build upon these strengths I believe we will find the path that leads to opportunities. To find wonder in this life and be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Whether that is working for a non-profit that is dear to your heart or paving your own way in a career that truly fulfills you. My prayer is that you may find through Gods grace, the elements that are important to you to pursue your passions. I pray you may build a passionate life. Whether that be a career that can serve as an outlet for your creativity or the rewards of being a stay at home mom rearing your children. Remember we only have this one life, we only have today. Follow your dreams, follow your passions, they are the compass that God has blessed you with. Trust in him to guide you and ask him to help you live this life with passion! And may you ALWAYS LOVE others passionately as there is no better way to live.

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