
In this life you will have many choices. The beauty of our God given gift of free will is he, gives us the power to choose. You wake up each day and make hundreds of choices and whether you realize it or not each of your choices helps to create your tomorrow.

Not only do your daily choices affect you, they also have an impact on those in your life. Sometimes our choices wound and our choices can heal. Our choices can foster hope and nurture faith. Our choices can take us away from Gods path for our lives or can bring us closer to him and strengthen our faith. 

The power of choice, never ceases to amaze me! You see we have a good God and he gives you so many choices each day.  All these choices! Choices you’ve made in the past and decisions you’ve made today, all have helped to create the life you are leading. If you are not happy, start making different choices. And always remember that God provides abundantly. Open your eyes to all the choices he’s given you. Choices such as how to spend your time. The choice to spend more time in prayer. The choice to tell those you love what they mean to you. The choice to be idle or to serve others with great love.

One of my most fervent prayers to God is simply that he helps me choose well. I know he’s given me many choices and opportunities. I don’t take this lightly and I always seek him to help me choose. 

My prayer for you…is that you may choose well.

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