Strong God

Some days are just hard. Each one of us has our own struggles, doubts and trials. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Thus the seemingly unfair reality of how cruel life can be is heart wrenching, especially when you know someone that is a beautiful soul and yet they suffer. 

All I know is that God always brings good out of bad. It’s amazing how many times I’ve seen him work this out in situations of despair, in bitter or bleak situations. God will always bring something good out of a bad break, out of a wound someone inflicted on you, out of suffering know you will come out triumphant. Know that all you need is to cling to him even in times you may not understand, at times when you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Know he is carrying you and in this very moment aligning all the circumstances your facing in a way that will one day reveal how your struggles were a source of hope, inspiration or even change for the better in other people’s lives. Maybe whatever your going through, the cross your carrying will touch the lives and hearts of people you know. So don’t ever doubt that your suffering doesn’t have value. Don’t ever lose hope that he has forsaken you. Know that he will always bring goodness out of our scars, wounds and sufferings. It is futile at times to try and comprehend the works of God in our lives. As God is above time. He sees all your tomorrows, he knows the “why’s” of your life. And yet what a reassuring peace therein lies in simply knowing he is there, always with you, always by your side, carrying you when you have no strength and always loving you in all the moments of your life. Loving you in the moments when you fail him, when you are strong and in the moments when you are weak. 

You have a strong God who will always be by your side.

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