
Have you ever been in a situation where someone you really care about has hurt you? I’m sure you have, as it seems to be a very unfortunate reality in life that the people we love the most, are often the ones who hurt us the most. 

In times in my life when I’ve experienced these situations and more so when the very people who have hurt me needed me I couldn’t resist. You see, none of us are perfect. I acknowledge this and even though I may never understand the motives of others…I do know, if I truly ever cared for someone I cannot just turn my heart off like a light switch. The difference between what the mind says and what the heart says can be so great. When pondering on all these things it brings to mind a time when I had a choice. A choice to forgive and welcome a friend back into my life or a choice to push away and maintain the distance or silence that had been established in the prior months. And the only words that came to my mind and heart in that moment were “Forgive 70 times 7 times”.

I was a bit surprised as these did not seem to be my words. I felt God reassuring me and showing me this is the only way to love.

I am aware that there are some relationships in life that you must end for safety or for your mental and emotional health. But I encourage you to always remember to Forgive generously, by doing so you reflect Gods love and thus provide an opportunity for the other person to grow or sadly show their true colors yet again. Even if your friend fails you again you may be able to see them from a different perspective, you may pray for them, understandably you may not trust them but at the very least you would be a help to them by your prayers and love. 

I know it’s unfortunate when any friendship ends because their was something beautiful brought to it in the beginning by both people which helps to foster and build any friendship. 

Even though you may have wounds and feel isolation is better than opening your heart again I hope you can Forgive abundantly. Your heart, mind and soul will have much peace in your kindness to others no matter how undeserving they may be. 


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