
There are so many times in my life, I have asked God why? I have had many struggles as each one of us do in life. I have seen people come into and leave my life and I always question God why?

In those moments when you hunger to know why God wills or allows certain circumstances in your life, just remember he knows what tomorrow holds.

I’d like to share this quote that I came across in a journal and it has helped to give me perspective. Reminds me also of a dear friend and mentor Diane, who has a saying; “It’s all about perspective.” She’s right, so throughout your life I hope you will be able to consider all things from many perspectives. It helps to reveal lessons, truths and also provides hope.

The quote that struck me was this:

“In His wisdom God does not show us all that lies ahead. So we enter a new year to live it day by day. What is past is past. Today we start anew, and what we do today will make our life for tomorrow….each day let us follow more faithfully, more courageously, more daringly the lead of our great Captain who bids us follow him.-William Thomson Hanzsche”

In times of our lives especially when we long to know, why? Know God has a purpose for everything and everyone in your life. Through prayer trust in him, and never lose courage. He will always provide you with the strength you need to overcome any struggle or problems in your life. May we also pray fervently for our friends all the days of our lives and with great hope may we be graced with the same blessing and gift of prayers.

“and what we do today will make our life for tomorrow.”

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